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Great content isn't linear

There’s a sweet spot that guarantees strong returns for the right monthly budget

Recognized by the best analysts in the game

1. Word counts โ‰  rankings

Strategizing the right keywords is what matters most for your business. Based on those, a 1000 word piece can do just as well as a 3k one.

blog post performing well with low word count
importance of user experience in content marketing

2. User experience is everything

Google and online readers are becoming more and more aware of bad user experiences. To get real results, you have to create for the end-user.

3. Good writing isn't enough

Most content professionals stop at the writing part. We don’t. Our goal is to deliver you with business results, not a pretty Word file.

sales goals connected with content marketing
follow up with visitors who sign up

4. Post-visit experience matters

You can’t ask for email addresses and then never get back to people. Following up is essential to driving business results.

"This is REALLY good. I really appreciate the care that your team has put into their work and their subtle handling of language."
julia melymbrose is head of content at testgorilla
Julia Melymbrose
Head of Content, TestGorilla


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